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Cindy Nicolai
Feb 21, 20228 min read
When Democracy Fails
I saw what happened to Venezuela. I don't want to live there. There has been a lot of debate as to how the money people will receive from...
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Carrie Bertrand
Jun 10, 20201 min read
Change is difficult, but its not ALL bad
Quarantine was a challenge for most of us. But there were plenty of silver linings as well.
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Cindy Nicolai
Jun 5, 20201 min read
An Evening with Dr. Brian Ray
Dr. Ray, a former public and private educator and a home educator to his own eight children is recognized internationally
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Cindy Nicolai
Mar 2, 20201 min read
Oklahoma Homeschool Activities
We at Constitutional Home Educators Alliance have compiled a list of the extra-curricular opportunities available to home educators
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Cindy Nicolai
Feb 10, 20203 min read
But My Tax Dollars Pay For It!
What it could cost a constitutional home educator to participate can’t be measured in dollars. You can’t put a price on freedom.
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Cindy Nicolai
Feb 9, 20205 min read
Is A Bill Really A Bill If It Doesn't Change Anything?
With the inclusion of the Dept. of Education being given a requirement to add more rules in order for it to be implemented, for me, just put
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Cindy Nicolai
Feb 9, 20209 min read
ALERT: Why We Oppose HB3293 Equal Access Bill
As one Senator told us two years ago when we fought a similar bill, "We can regulate you (the constitutional home educator) any time we want
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Carrie Bertrand
Jan 30, 20182 min read
Equal Access = Equal Restrictions
“Everyone gets to play!” While it sounds good on the surface, everyone gets to play sports or band, etc., no home schooler gets to ‘play...
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