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Why We Don't Want ESA's

Joseph Ellis

The Second Regular Session of the 56th Oklahoma Legislature is still in full swing, but already we have had legislators gearing up to write legislation for the 57th session next year. Those pieces of legislation include ESA’s and we are being asked our opinion of them.


"We don't want the money."


In an effort to best convey our message and easily link information and legislators together, our Vice Chairman, Joseph Ellis, created this fantastic video which can be readily shared with anyone who has questions about ESA’s.

We are very excited about this video and wanted you, our Allies, to be the first ones to view it and hopefully share it with your own legislators and others who might be interested. We have also included this video on the ESA page of our Website where additional information can be found.

Thank-you so much, for working with us as we strive to protect your homeschool freedom and parental rights.


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