Legislation Worth Supporting
Not all legislation is bad legislation. Oklahoma is fortunate to have many elected legislators who are truly working for the good of their state and who listen to what conservative Oklahoman's want and need. We are proud to individually support these legislators and their bills for the 2018 session. Please educate yourself on these bills and then act accordingly.
We are currently working on writing a summary of each of these bills for you.
Until then, feel free to read the full legislation for your self.
* Indicates new legislation
The others are still in committee from the previous session.
*HB 2685 - Rep. Chuck Strohm
UPDATE: As of March 2, 2018, this bill is dead from lack of activity. It cannot be brought back up again next yer, but can be filed as new legislation if the author so chooses.
Vaccination Informed Consent Act of 2018 - Education
*HB 3442 - Rep. Tom Gann
UPDATE: As of March 2, 2018, this bill is dead from lack of activity. It cannot be brought back up again next yer, but can be filed as new legislation if the author so chooses.
This bill allows kinship foster parents to utilize vaccine exemptions.
*HB 3443 - Rep. Tom Gann
UPDATE: As of March 2, 2018, this bill is dead from lack of activity. It cannot be brought back up again next yer, but can be filed as new legislation if the author so chooses.
This bill prohibits the OK State Department to refuse a vaccine exemption